kimistry » adventure The adventure is ON! Sat, 04 Apr 2015 05:14:09 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Cuisine in Paris Sun, 06 May 2012 10:23:23 +0000

Dinner last night. German restaurant...really!!!

I know! I know! I am behind in updating this and I am hearing about it!! You people are sure demanding! = ) It is actually fun to know that people are reading this and following along on the adventure! I am going to try to be a bit better about the updates. I said I would try…no promises!

We have had some really great and varied food choices in Paris, so I am going to start off with pictures of various lunches and dinners for you to view. As you can imagine in a place of millions of people the food options are so diverse and abundant that it is difficult to choose. There have been a few times that we have had no idea what type of restaurant we are going into to have dinner but do it anyhow. That has actually been a lot of fun and has turned out quite well! One evening we were looking for a restaurant only to find that it was closed. Instead we ducked into a restaurant that looked interesting. To our surprise, the food was influenced by Madagascar. It was very tasty. Then last night we were headed toward the apartment but only made it a block because it was pouring rain. We ended up at a restaurant that served more German types of food…it is always a food adventure here!!

A type of fondue that is inspired by northern French regions- there were little grills built into the table where you cooked your food....very interesting!

Gazpacho & Salad w/ Cheese Tartine : )

Lemon hummus, avocado, white bean & tomato tartine....yum!!


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Hi everybody! Tue, 27 Mar 2012 05:52:22 +0000 My blog for my Paris adventure!


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