kimistry » espresso The adventure is ON! Sat, 04 Apr 2015 05:14:09 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Coffee time & French morning news Sat, 21 Apr 2012 05:59:52 +0000 Good morning from Paris!! I figured out my espresso machine so I can have espresso today while watching the morning news, hooray! I have also discovered that Saturday morning cartoons are not just an American tradition! It has been very helpful for me to watch the TV. I am learning more of the language this way!

Yesterday was my first trip to the market. It was fun to go shopping. I recognized most items but there are certainly some things that I was wondering about in the market…hmmmm. I also learned quickly that you are expected to unload your basket ASAP for the cashier or you will be reprimanded immediately!!!! lol! Got it! It won’t happen again! ; )

Well I am off for a day of walking around the neighborhood. It will be fun to see where I end up today!

Au revoir!


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