kimistry » Venus de Milo The adventure is ON! Sat, 04 Apr 2015 05:14:09 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Musee du Louvre Thu, 03 May 2012 20:56:05 +0000

Inside the Pyramid at the Musee du Louvre

It was supposed to be raining again today so we planned the day around it. We decided that we would visit two more  museums today. The Musee du Louvre was first on the agenda. You could truly spend weeks in this museum. There were so many people around that it was difficult to get to some things like the Mona Lisa and the Venus de Milo. We did manage to see them but the Mona Lisa was from a distance. The crowds were just too much for that one! There are also signs all over the Louvre warning about pick-pockets : / Oops…be careful here! The outside of the Musee du Louvre is very beautiful and the inside is…well…it is just unbelievable!!! You could get lost and never be found in here! I know it will shock you to have me admit that I took way too many pictures in here…I have become my mother!! = ) So here are a few of my favorites from the museum…



"Venus de Milo" - Aphrodite

Painting in the Musee du Louvre--a favorite for moi!

Great sculpture in the Musee du Louvre

Staircase in the Louvre

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