kimistry » Louvre The adventure is ON! Sat, 04 Apr 2015 05:14:09 +0000 en-US hourly 1 A few more pics of the Louvre in the evening Thu, 17 May 2012 23:58:26 +0000

Pools at the Louvre

The evening was a great time to go over to the Louvre. There were not many people around which surprised me. It was so peaceful to walk around without swarms of people. You could actually get some decent pictures without there being lots of additional people in your shots. Plus it was absolutely beautiful with the lights on around it!

Entrance to the Louvre restaurant lit up



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Pics of the Louvre at night Thu, 17 May 2012 23:32:30 +0000

It is quite beautiful at night!

I decided to walk to the Louvre tonight so I could take some pictures of it at night. It is only about a 10 minute walk from where my apartment is located. I will be moving to my final apartment here in Paris on Saturday. It is kind of bittersweet because I am excited to move to another area of the city, but I have truly enjoyed the area that I am in right now. It is a terrific location! However, my new apartment has the Eiffel Tower right out my door. I guess I can’t go wrong with that view. So that means I will be spending every evening hanging out under the Eiffel Tower starting Saturday night! = ) Ok, enough rambling…back to the pictures.

Evening at the Louvre - peaceful

The Pyramid lit up

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