kimistry » Monumenta 2012 The adventure is ON! Sat, 04 Apr 2015 05:14:09 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Daniel Buren – MONUMENTA 2012 at the Grand Palais Wed, 23 May 2012 21:38:23 +0000

View from the stairs of the Grand Palais

I went to the most interesting, fun and colorful exhibit today at the Grand Palais entitled – Excentrique(s) Work In Situ. This exhibit was created by artist Daniel Buren. He is known for his use of color, light and work in situ, which refers to artwork being born out of the space where it is created. Interesting stuff!

MONUMENTA, is an annual event according to what I read. Each year an artist of international acclaim is invited to move into the Nave of the Grand Palais and create an exhibit. This truly was a spectacle to see…so intriguing and fun!

I can't really explain how neat this was to see!

Color!!! Fun!!! = )

Daniel Buren, the artist, being interviewed for a French magazine.

View from under...really nice!

Great view from the balcony

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