Posts Tagged ‘Grand Palais’

Daniel Buren – MONUMENTA 2012 at the Grand Palais

View from the stairs of the Grand Palais

I went to the most interesting, fun and colorful exhibit today at the Grand Palais entitled – Excentrique(s) Work In Situ. This exhibit was created by artist Daniel Buren. He is known for his use of color, light and work in situ, which refers to artwork being born out of the space where it is created. Interesting stuff!

MONUMENTA, is an annual event according to what I read. Each year an artist of international acclaim is invited to move into the Nave of the Grand Palais and create an exhibit. This truly was a spectacle to see…so intriguing and fun!

I can't really explain how neat this was to see!

Color!!! Fun!!! = )

Daniel Buren, the artist, being interviewed for a French magazine.

View from under...really nice!

Great view from the balcony

Grand Palais

Grand Palais is the domed shape building in the distance

Today I was on the go again! I covered a lot of ground. I only have a short time left here so I am trying to make the most of it. The time has gone by so quickly! I saw so many interesting things today that it is difficult to know what to start talking about first. = )

The Grand Palais was actually designed for the World Fair of 1900.  It is considered “a jewel” of the Art Nouveau style.  It has an interesting blend of glass, stone and steel. It is recognized for its Nave, which is more than 200 meters long and covered with an immense glass roof.  The building is stunning to look at from the outside and inside!

One of the various entrances to the Grand Palais - houses numerous exhibits

On the Pont Alexandre lll heading to the Grand Palais

Bridge over the Seine - heading to the Grand Palais in the distance

Fountain at the Grand Palais

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