Archive for the ‘France 2012’ Category

Coffee time & French morning news

Good morning from Paris!! I figured out my espresso machine so I can have espresso today while watching the morning news, hooray! I have also discovered that Saturday morning cartoons are not just an American tradition! It has been very helpful for me to watch the TV. I am learning more of the language this way!

Yesterday was my first trip to the market. It was fun to go shopping. I recognized most items but there are certainly some things that I was wondering about in the market…hmmmm. I also learned quickly that you are expected to unload your basket ASAP for the cashier or you will be reprimanded immediately!!!! lol! Got it! It won’t happen again! ; )

Well I am off for a day of walking around the neighborhood. It will be fun to see where I end up today!

Au revoir!


Moving to next apartment…

OK, so since my last post I have moved to my next apartment. What a fiasco that was to accomplish….but I made it!! The poor taxi driver from the day before arrived to pick me up at the correct time. I had packed my 70 pound suitcase down three flights of stairs or rather wrestled it, only to find when I got to the gate to leave I could not get out!!! So the taxi driver is waiting with the meter running and I cannot, for the life of me, figure out how to get out the damn gate! I tried the keys, pushing the gate, pulling the gate and yelling for help…yep, I really did! I even became desperate enough that I went and knocked on several doors to no avail. Finally, I left my luggage and went back up to the apartment and sent a text to the landlady with the message HELP in the subject line. She called me and said the button to get out was on the wall next to the gate. WOW!!! I am not an airhead but I am feeling like a total idiot by this time! I get out the gate and the taxi driver was still there! Whew!!! So, we load my incredibly over-packed suitcase in the taxi and I tell him in very broken French
that I have to go get the rest of my stuff and lock the apartment door. I get upstairs, grab the other bags and shut the door but can’t get it locked! Are you kidding me????? I was more than a little frazzled by this time. So I leave the keys under the door mat because I do not know what else to do and text the owner to let her know. Meanwhile the meter is running on the taxi so I get in and head to my next apartment. I am quite sure that I need some wine by this time!!!!

We arrive at the next place and I do not have the door code to get in the building! OK, I truly am ready to just have a breakdown. The driver calls and gets me in the building but he then has to leave. He assures me that someone will be there soon to get me into my apartment. I wait for 30 minutes and finally a very nice guy named Damien shows up to let me into the apartment and give me keys, etc. Thank goodness I will be staying in this apartment for some time. The two days of taxi fare alone cost me 110 euro!!!!! Yikes! It is a good thing that by nature I tend to be optimistic and can roll with life. Trust me when I say that this certainly tested me! But I am here and happy to be doing what I have dreamed of doing for so many years : )

Arrival in Paris

Sooooo…I have arrived in Paris!!! I am so excited and thrilled to be here. The flight over was superb! I flew over Ireland which looked absolutely AMAZING from the plane…that may be next on my travel list! : )
It was an interesting trip to my apartment since the taxi driver spoke zero-zip-nada-bit of English. I know what you are thinking…Kimberly, you were speaking fluent French to him! Right??? Um…well…er…the answer is no! I was trying and we did ok but it was pretty funny! Luckily he was very kind! I do believe he was wishing he had not been the one to pick me up from the airport when he saw my suitcase, which is the largest suitcase I have ever owned! I am quite certain that the suitcase easily outweighed him….poor guy. And get this…he saw the horror in my eyes when I realized that the place that I am staying tonight has no elevator…just a very narrow, steep staircase. Bless his heart…he packed my suitcase up the three flights of stairs. I did tip him very well but…I am quite sure he will need back surgery after dealing with my luggage. Guess what??? He is supposed to be here tomorrow to help me move to the other apartment. Hmmmm….I wonder if he will show?!
Ok…enough for now. I need sleep!

Hi everybody!

My blog for my Paris adventure!


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