Archive for the ‘France 2012’ Category
Try again….
So…I am trying to post again today on the blog. I spent over an hour adding pics and messages to the blog last night and then somehow :/ lost all of it…ugh!!!!
I had a terrific day with my friend,Christine. She is here for a bit. We left the apartment yesterday at 1:15pm and returned at 9:45pm! We walked all over Paris and it was great! We stopped for maybe a total of an hour in that time to have coffee, wine and food. We were on the go! I have so many pictures that I am not sure what I will do with all of them. We were all over the place and it seems that every street you turn down leads you to some other interesting area. I think you could be here for months and not feel like you have seen everything you want to see. I am quite sure it would involve moving here to see and experience everything that I want to….hmmmm!! = )
Here are some pictures from yesterday. Enjoy!
I worked most of yesterday so I could go play for some time today. I decided to take a bus to the lovely village of Giverny. It is about 1 1/2 hours from Paris. It also happens to be the village where Claude Monet created his works of art. The gardens are absolutely beautiful. It was great to see his studio, home and gardens. To know this was his primary inspiration for the amazing work that he created was a bit surreal for me. The countryside on the way way so green and lush already…tres belle!! What a perfect day!
Rain, more rain & the market
Bonjour mes amis!
I decided to cut my adventures short today considering that I am drenched! It has rained everyday that I have been here. I am really not complaining about the rain because I enjoy it. However, it does make walking around a little challenging when you are trying to simultaneously keep your umbrella from blowing away and take pictures on a camera and the iPhone. OK…get this picture…an umbrella between your knees, a camera in one hand, an iPhone in the other and whatever else you are caring you hold between your teeth…ah yes…a tourist! So much for not wanting to portray that stereotype on this adventure! : / I am smiling and laughing!
I have to comment on here just for my daughter that I did make another trip to the market. She seems to think that I am not eating over here…uh…wrong! Ashley- see pic below.
Distractions & umbrellas
I set out today to head to the Centre Georges-Pompidou and Notre Dame. I did not make it to either one because I found other interesting sights along the way. I will head to both of them tomorrow after I do my work. YES, I do have work to do while I am here.
I saw some beautiful and interesting buildings and meandered along for quite a number of hours. The downside is that I forgot my umbrella and it was pouring for a while. I have taken my umbrella everyday except today and guess what??? I really could have used it today…oh well! It was rather fun walking in the rain in Paris! = )
So I am now watching the British Music Awards with French subtitles on TV…love it! Speaking of music…I am really enjoying the French music channels on my TV. I listen to them every morning and night. There is some fun music and I have been downloading it to my iphone when I can figure out the artist.
Out and about in Paris
I spent yesterday walking around for about five hours! Trust me, my feet know it! Can you say blisters???? Ouch!!! It was fabulous though…minus the blisters. I can absolutely say that I love Paris just as much as a I did when I was 16. This place just has a magical feel for me! I feel strangely comfortable here….hmmmm!!??
Yesterday I walked the entire length of the Avenue des Champs- Elysees to the Arc de Triomphe which was so exciting for me to do again! It has been a long time. I feel like I need to pinch myself everyday to make sure this is real! : ) I then spent time at the Place de la Concorde seeing the Obelisque. From there I spent quite a bit of time walking around the beautiful Jardin Des Tuileries which is lovely. Then it was on to the Musee Du Louvre which, of course, is just stunning!!! I could have just stood there for the entire evening looking around at the amazing architecture….WOW! From there I walked along the Seine for some time. Tellement belle!!! What a day!!!