The tower!

Peeking through the flowers at the Tour Eiffel

Today started out a bit slow which was good. It was fun to lounge around and drink cafe creme, respond to email and complete some work. The weather was really nice today…only a little bit of rain and plenty of sunshine throughout the day. It was a lovely walk to the Tour Eiffel. I am in awe every time I see it!!! There were so many people around today that it was a bit distracting. There is a French holiday tomorrow and so we were told that many people form the countryside take a long weekend and come to Paris. The lines at the tower were incredibly long to ride to the top…even the lines to walk up several levels were quite a wait. One of the elevators is currently out of commission so the wait is around 2 1/2 hours! We did not wait….instead we walked all over the park that surrounds the tower and had a great picnic lunch in the park.

My feet are showing the amount of walking that we are doing. You should see my blisters! Ouch! Ouch! Ouch! We walk probably a minimum of 6-8 miles most days and sometimes up to 10. It is great though. That is it for tonight…need to go soak my poor feet because tomorrow is a long day. Moulin Rouge tomorrow night at 11pm! FUN!

Wow! Incredible view of the Tour Eiffel!!


More pics…

From a distance

Bridge - Des Invalides

One Response to “The tower!”

  • Ashley says:

    Love all your pics! Cant wait to hear about Moulin Rouge…take lots of pics for me!

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